Agricultural Sustainability and Market Access
The future food security of society is under threat since agriculture in current trend is unsustainable. Excessive application of chemicals, fast depleting groundwater and ever-increasing climate risk are making agriculture unsustainable and unaffordable. InsPra India is building Farmers Producer Organizations for strengthening collective bargaining power, demand driven large-scale production, reducing cost through collective purchase and collectively owned asset building. We are helping farmers in getting access to best technical support, access to finance, online and offline marketing platforms and making effort to sharing of production costs with other stakeholders by developing innovative business plans.
Civic Awareness and Local Leadership
CALL aims to make public institutions and services more effective and accountable towards citizens. CALL is a programme that aims for convergence of public and private resources for synergic effect by engaging citizens in public institutions like PRIs, Urban Local Bodies, public education and healthcare services etc.
Development Research and Innovation Mission
Development Research and Innovation Mission (DRIM) is one of the key programmes to bring innovation to the social sector through research and innovation. INSPRA India strives to conduct field research and grass-roots innovations for improving technologies, services and social processes. INSPRA India extends its expertise to other organizations as well as research & development services.
National Emergency Relief Voluntary Endowment
NERVE is a special program focused on providing relief to communities facing natural or man-made adversities. The program is further sub-divided into two strategies. The first strategy focuses over providing immediate relief while the other is rooted in the provisioning of rehabilitation.
Rural Infrastructure and Sustainable Technology Advancement
Rural Infrastructure and Sustainable Technology Advancement (RISTA) programme aim to improve quality of life and bring wellbeing to people living in the rural areas. InsPra India strives to make infrastructure development affordable for the rural people by integrating it into their dwelling needs and economic capacities. Small loans are provided with or without interest to best suit their economic background and needs. InsPra India helps rural people for financial planning for better utilization of fund and hassle-free repayment. Local governance institutions, cooperatives and SHGs are our partners in developing public and individual infrastructures.
Skill, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship Development
SEED is aimed towards addressing the issue of youth unemployment and provisioning of meaningful economic engagement to different occupation groups. SEED attempts to harness the opportunities created by the market and contemporary economic policies of the government for creating employment in scale. INSPRA does it by helping local organizations as well as donor agencies for identification of educational and skill gaps as well as local employment opportunities to tailor make contextually relevant solutions i.e. training and development, education programs, incubation and enhancing access to finance.
Technology Integration to Production System
Better technology means more security, more revenue and better returns on investment. InsPra India studies the production system of farmers/individuals or of their collectives to understand their technology needs and revenue model. InsPra India helps them in choosing resource-conserving and sustainable technologies, provide technical services for installation, operation and maintenance and assist in getting easy finance. We design integrated technology adoption plan including pre-production, production, processing, harvesting, post-harvesting and quality control across the value chain.
All of our programs follow a three-step process and culminate in positive human development outcomes.